Sometimes in life people need a helping hand, some physically, others financially, but increasingly emotionally.
YouPositive, a Jeddah-based online life coaching platform, offers that help. Pioneers in online life coaching, they are seeking to bridge the gap between counseling, self-help and technology.
They hosted the first of a series of January events at the City Hub in Al-Nahda district.
Founder and CEO Zahra Al-Mohanna said: “YouPositive is pioneering a marketplace for life coaching, with technological solutions for service providers and clients alike.
“We have created a solution that suits Saudi and Middle Eastern culture, where you can find a coach wherever you are and at your leisure. We pick the right service providers via background checks and interviews, as well as referrals from their clients.”
She added: “YouPositive serves individuals and companies equally, with coaching programs tailored to their needs.”
Saudi life coach Waleed Arab was at the City Hub event to give a lecture, called My Emotions. In it, he tried to shed light on how to understand emotions.
Body and emotions
During his lecture, Arab explained the limbic system and its function, to explain the link between the body and emotions.
“Your body listens to your thoughts,” said Arab, adding that life coaching is very different from counseling.
“A life coach is not a certified person, who can give you medication or anything that may effect your health. Coaching is a psychological tool. The coach paves the way for you to reach your goals.”
He also highlighted the growing popularity of life coaching in the Kingdom. “We are getting there. We have just started, but we have a good number of certified life coaches in Saudi Arabia.” Specific area of mind: Life coaching is important, explained Arab, because: “We are tapping into a very specific area of the mind, looking to enlighten the person about what is missing in their current mindset. You can examine areas you had not discovered before.
“Just imagine yourself living in a dark room. A coach will help enlighten you and your senses, and show you that there is much more outside for you to explore.”
The reaction to YouPositive, and their January program, has been largely upbeat.
“Life coaches help us improve by changing the way we think,” said Radhya Bahamdoun, an attendee at Arab’s lecture.